University of Murcia DIIC


The University of Murcia (UMU) has developed an XACML policy definition software in Java called UMU-XACML-Editor. This is just an small part of a significative research effort on using different XML-related standards and technologies, such as XACML and SAML, to solve different scenarios on authentication and authorization of users and devices when accessing a network and the resources existing in that network.

This is the web page where you can get most of the information regarding this software. The UMU-XACML-Editor is actually intended to cover XACML 2.0 standard policies as defined by the OASIS eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) TC.

You are kindly invited to download and test the last version, and give us your feedback on its usability, any problem that may occur while using it, or ideas about any improvements that we can make on it. You can also access to the mailing lists created for this software.

If you want to see other research and development works we are doing at our research group take a look at this web page:



[15-12-2008] UMU-XACML-Editor v1.3.2 released, which add default XACMLv2.0 schema.

[03-07-2008] UMU-XACML-Editor v1.3.1 released to correct a little bug.

[21-05-2007] A new version of the UMU-XACML-Editor supporting XACML v3.0 is being developed based on the SICS's implementation of the XACML 3.0 draft.

[23-04-2007] UMU-XACML-Editor v1.3.0 released, which add XACML 1.0 support, more attributes and JDK1.4 support.

[10-04-2007] Source Code Released at

[17-06-2005] UMU-XACML-Editor v1.2.0 released, which reduces the number of external libraries in use to just JDOM.

[26-05-2005] UMU-XACML-Editor v1.1.0 released, which increases the control on the position of XACML elements inside policy documents.



UMU-XACML-Editor v1.3.2 software. Requirements: Java JDK 1.4.0 or above. Source code of current version (v1.3.2) is available at

For using it: just decompress this ZIP file and double click on UMU-XACML-Editor.jar  You can also write in the Java console  java -jar UMU-XACML-Editor.jar  

To create a new policy just click with the right button of your mouse on the Policy Document tag and start creating and managing different XACML policies. All the other menus are self-explanatory.

Mailing Lists

There are two mailing lists that you can use to get in contact with other users of this software and also to be informed on any news regarding this software.

 umu-xacml-editor-users mailing list

This is a general discussion area for users of the UMU-XACML-Editor software. Here you will be able to post your comments, problems, feedback, etc. regarding this software.

 umu-xacml-editor-announce mailing list

This is an announcement list pertaining to the UMU-XACML-Editor software. Here you will find information on new releases of our software, patches and so on. Only the core team of UMU-XACML-Editor software will post to this list.


     Pablo Galera Morcillo
     Alberto Jiménez Lázaro
     Ginés Dólera Tormo

Project Coordinators:
     Gregorio Martínez Pérez
     Gabriel López Millán

Other Related UMU-* Research Designs and Implementations

If want to take a look to some of the other research designs and implementations we are also involved from the last few years and which are somehow related with XACML, here you have some links. Some more information is available at the web page of our research group.


 OpenIKEv2 (Open Source IKEv2 implementation)

OpenIKEv2 is an open source IKEv2 (draft #17 version) implementation written in C++.


 UMU-PKIv6 (University of Murcia Public Key Infrastructure with IPv6 support)

PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) software with IPv6 support and able to manage the whole X.509v3 certificate lifecycle. It also integrates smart card support and cross-certification.


 UMU-jCOPS (University of Murcia Java COPS implementation)

Implementation of the COPS (Common Open Policy Service) and COPS-PR (COPS Usage for Policy Provisioning) IETF-defined protocols in Java; this development was done as part of the UMU-PBNM system in order to manage the communication between PDP (Policy Decision Points) servers and network-based PEP (Policy Enforcement Points) clients.



If you have any question, suggestion or comment, you can contact us directly at umu-xacml-editor-users (at)

As usual all suggestions/comments/bug reports are welcome. Thanks.

Last Updated: Tuesday, 10/09/2009 00:20:31 GMT+1 by Ginés Dólera